Blair Township is situated in south-central Blair County and encompasses an area of slightly less than 9,000 acres. Topographically, Blair Township has contrasting features, with high points and steep ridges that divide the Township from the southeast, with the central and northwest areas characterized by a fairly level plain crossed by the Frankstown Branch of the Juniata River and containing major transportation corridors. This topography has served to significantly influence growth in the Township, in particular residential growth. Although pockets of residential development continue to occur in distinct areas of Blair Township, the most significant concentration continues to be in the general area of “Penn Farms”, north and south of Newry Lane. Not surprisingly, Blair Township has experienced fairly robust population growth, mirroring the growth in new home construction. The Township’s population growth has been steady despite the County’s population overall erosion as evidenced in both the 2000 and 2010 U.S. Census. Blair Township’s 2010 Census population was established at just under 5,000 persons. This same Census also showed Blair Township’s economic characteristics as very strong relative to housing values and median and household income levels. Despite its overwhelmingly residential nature, Blair Township has a stable economic base comprised of agricultural, industrial and business enterprises. A goal of the Township continues to be strengthening and stabilizing its economic base as a strong basis of continued growth. At the same time, there exists a strong desire on the part of Township residents to retain a rural atmosphere, retaining high quality agricultural lands by relieving development pressures on these farm lands.
While Blair Township’s origination may be somewhat sketchy, the genesis of the Township is likely as follows. What is now Blair Township was first settled in 1773 and was originally part of Frankstown Township, which at that time was part of Huntingdon County. It was January 1839 when a commission was set up by the Huntingdon County Court to “enquire into the propriety of establishing a new township from the existing Township of Frankstown”. The first report was made by the commission in April 1839, and a second report in August. Finally, a report was made and approved in the November session of the court. Three Township Commissioners were appointed: George L. Cowan, Job M. Spang, and Jacob L. Martin.
Newly-formed Blair Township had the distinction of being one of the smallest existing townships. Surrounded by three boroughs: Hollidaysburg, Gaysport, Newry, and a portion of Duncansville, Blair Township contained no towns of any size, only the small villages of Catfish, Vicksburg, and Reservoir. The population, including Duncansville and Newry, was 1,176. By 1880 it was 1,426, and in 1900, excluding Duncansville and Newry, it had grown to 1,043 persons. According to the 2000 Census, Blair Townshiph has 4,587 residents. Some early settlers were Patrick Cassidy, who founded Newry, and Henry Campinou, and Michael Fetter, who owned a gristmill located near the site of the “Homestead Office Complex” along Old Route 22. In order to provide water for the canal at Hollidaysburg, a reservoir was built south of the borough and extending over two miles. It later became a resort area with cabins and cottages appearing along the shore. The water also provided recreation and food in the form of fish. Fishing was allowed in any manner and it was a common place even in the later years to see wagon loads of fish hauled to markets in Hollidaysburg and Altoona. The spring rush flooded the land owned by the railroads; the dams were then lowered and eventually washed out.
Blair Township falls within the Hollidaysburg Area School District (HASD).
The Hollidaysburg Area School District is a midsized, suburban public school district based in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. It serves the boroughs of Duncansville, Hollidaysburg, and Newry, and the townships of Allegheny, Blair, Frankstown, and Juniata. The district encompasses approximately 120 square miles.
The Hollidaysburg Area School District operates two secondary and three elementary schools: Hollidaysburg Area High School, Hollidaysburg Area Junior High School, Charles W. Longer Elementary School, Foot of Ten Elementary School, and Frankstown Elementary School.
HASD is noted for its high academic standards as well as its diversity of sports and activities that include Band, Drama, Tiger Wires Newspaper, Mock Trial, and Foreign Language Clubs, just to name a few. Interscholastic sports include:
Baseball – AAA
Basketball – AAAA
Cross Country – AAA
Football – AAA
Golf – AAA
Indoor Track & Field – AAAA
Soccer – AAA
Swimming & Diving – AAA
Tennis – AAA
Track & Field – AAA
Wrestling – AAA
Basketball – AAAA
Cross Country – AAA
Golf – AAA
Indoor Track & Field – AAAA
Soccer (Fall) – AAA
Swimming & Diving – AAA
Softball – AAA
Girl’s Tennis – AAA
Track & Field – AAA
Volleyball – AAA
Quality post-secondary education institutions available in the immediate area include:
Penn State Altoona, Juniata College, Mount Aloysius University, Penn Highlands Community School, and Saint Francis University.
To view the streets and roads within Blair Township, download our BLAIR TOWNSHIP MAP.

Blair Township Government recruits residents for appointment by the Board of Supervisors to Township-affiliated commissions and authorities. Principal among these are the Blair Township Citizens Advisory Committee, the Blair Township Planning Commissions, and the Blair Township Water and Sewer Authority. This recruitment effort is ongoing because the need for volunteers remains. Below are succinct descriptions of appointees’ roles and the need for immediate appointments due to vacancies.
This informal group meets periodically to discuss issues relating to Blair Township as a community where all residents’ concerns are welcomed. Its deliberations are conveyed to the Board of Supervisors as recommendations for further study and action.
The BTPC has scheduled meetings on the first Monday of each month at 6:00PM, but only if pertinent business items need to be addressed. This group discussses issues primarily with regards to the Township‘s subdivision and land development ordinances. Reviews conducted by the Township’s consulting engineer are presented and are instrumental with the BTPC members rendering decisions, which are then presented as recommendations to the Board of Supervisors. Worth noting is the Supervisors‘ desire for the BTPC to spearhead an update to the Township Comprehensive Plan as a blueprint for Blair Township’s future development.
Under PA law, Blair Township created the Authority in 1968 with a mission of building and maintaining water and sewerage infrastructure. The Authority meets monthly (occasionally more often) on the first Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Board members are paid a monthly stipend of $100. The Authority is largely independent of the Township, but under Pa law board members’ appointments (five year terms) and any stipend paid thereto are the perogative of the Supervisors.
Township supervisors are urging you to consider participating in an active way by volunteering to serve as described above. Call Betty at the Township office for further information at (814) 696-4363, x.102.
Every person owning property in Blair Township receives two property tax notices each year. The county/township tax notice is mailed in February and the school tax notice is mailed in July.
Millage rates are 0.559 (Township), 4.097 (County) and 9.5505 (School). Taxes are determined by multiplying your assessment (found on your tax billing) times the millage rate.
All persons ages 18 and over must pay a Per Capita tax. This includes college students who claim their Blair Township address as their residence. The current rate is $15.00 per person.
A person with a low household income may be exonerated from paying Per Capita taxes provided his/her income falls within the guidelines established by the Hollidaysburg Area School District.
The Blair County Tax Collection Bureau (BCTCB) collects the township share of the Earned Income Tax (EIT). These taxes, unless one is operating his or her own business, are most often taken by payroll deductions. Earned Income Tax is 1% of residents’ EIT qualifying income.
Local Services Tax is $52.00 per year if one earns $12,000.00 or more per year and works in Blair Township. This tax is on business owners and employees. There is no age exemption. This tax is paid to the Blair County Tax Collection Bureau, 1419 3rd Ave, PO Box 307, Duncansville, PA 16635.
556 Hillside View Drive
Duncansville, Pa 16635
[email protected]
Tuesday & Thursday: 9:00AM – 1:00PM
Evenings & Saturdays by appointment
Taxes collected through Ms. Haupt’s office include property taxes for the township, county, school district, and Per Capita Tax.
Any questions concerning your property or Per Capita taxes can be answered by the tax collector.
Blair Township, Blair County is within the following Legislative Districts:

Blair Township has three Voting Precincts:
Vote at Blair Township Water & Sewer Authority Building
377 Cedarcrest Drive
Duncansville, Pa 16635
7:00AM – 8:00PM
Handicap Accessibility
Vote at Blair Township Municipal Building
375 Cedarcrest Drive
Duncansville, Pa 16635
7:00AM – 8:00PM
Handicap Accessibility
DISTRICT #3: Vote at Reservoir Bible Church, Activities Building
1840 Reservoir Road
Hollidaysburg, Pa 16648
7:00AM – 8:00PM
Handicap Accessibility
To locate your polling location, access the information at the State Voter Services.
For voter registration information, please contact Blair County Voter Registration or call (814) 693-3287.

Chimney Rocks is a natural wonder of Blair Township: a prominent limestone formation containing one hundred and twenty perches. The gray silent wall of rock was the location from which signal fires of Indians burned flaming messages to the warriors watching in the valley below. A bronze marker was placed on the Pulpit Rock on October 17, 1924. This promontory point is now known as the “Look Out”. The tribes of Indians that lived, hunted, and traveled through Blair Township included the Delawares, Muncies, Nanticokes, Shawnees, and Tutleloes. The Chimney Rocks site has historically provided Hollidaysburg Borough and Blair Township residents, as well as numerous visitors, a dramatic panorama view of the Borough and Township. A 20-foot highlighted star is placed there during the Christmas holiday season. The stunning limestone pillars atop the ridge had been visited informally by almost every resident with the physical ability to climb the face. Many residents will ask one another if they have ever sat in the Chief’s seat, which is a rock pad atop the limestone pillars. Local lore claims the Chief of the local Native American tribe would sit in this area and view his tribe. In 1994, Chimney Rocks and the surrounding property were purchased by the Borough of Hollidaysburg although it is located in Blair Township. The site was then extensively developed to provide for ease of access. Currently the site consists of picnic areas where concerts and other community activities take place. Many of the trails have been improved, and handicap access is available to the picnic areas and one of the overlooks. Safety measures such as handrails and public restroom facilities have also been added, making Chimney Rocks an ideal stop to relax and enjoy this dynamic vista.
Pavilion Rentals: The pavilion at the park is available for rental for weddings, picnics, group outings, or family reunions, etc. to both residents and to non-residents. There is a security deposit and an applicable rental fee.
For more information, please contact Hollidaysburg Borough through the Borough Manager’s Office.
Blair Township does not provide Municipal trash collection. Therefore, each resident or business is responsible for engaging a private hauler to remove its household garbage or trash.
Voluntary Curbside Recycling is encouraged and available for Blair Township residents. One need only to call your hauler, who is required to collect items for recycling in the Township, as requested. The small, plastic recycling bins are available at no cost at the Township office: 375 Cedarcrest Drive, Duncansville, Pa 16635.
RECYCLING – It’s the right thing to do!
For more information on the Intergovernmental Recycling Committee (IRC), visit its website at: www.ircenvironment.org